
Yes, you read that right. Gun violence, mass shootings, active shootings, and more- have rocked the USA, especially the schools, colleges, businesses, and even individuals.

It was not until we heard of Colorado’s Columbine High School attack in 1999 that we realized the gravity of the situation. Since then, the number of such attacks on schools and colleges has risen, the recent one being the massacre at Uvalde.

We cannot forget the massacre at ROBB ELEMENTARY SCHOOL in May 2022, where an eighteen-year-old gunman shot 14 children, a teacher, and injured many others.

We cannot forget the SANTA FE HIGH SCHOOL, May 2018 incident, where a seventeen-year-old armed to the core killed ten students at the Houston area high school.

Remembering Texas

Once again, we bring you back to remember the worst massacre in recent times, where an eighteen-year-old killed around twenty-one people, eighteen of whom were innocent kids while injuring many others.

Why are we giving you all these examples? We want your safety and kids to be safe at schools and colleges. This is why we at Defender School regularly conduct Active Shooter Training for Schools to train people of all age groups on how to be safe and stay protected should they find themselves in such situations.

Shooting and Gun violence are real in America

Did you know that a report suggests that more than thirty-six thousand American citizens are killed because of gun violence each year? And around more than one hundred thousand are injured or wounded or shot. It is estimated that gun violence is prevalent big time across the US. The research also suggests that around half of the American population has experienced gun violence or have been in shootings atleast once in their lives. Such incidents are scaring people in many ways- corporations are finding it tough to deal with it- physically, mentally, and financially. American citizens now have become shooting, and gun violence survivors- your colleagues, your employees, and even your customers included. This is why everyone should enroll and learn from Active Shooter Training for Corporations and individuals at some point to stay safe.

It is the duty of American companies and their leaders to pull up their socks

Businesses and their leaders across America have a major role in keeping everyone (employees, customers, and the community at large) safe from such tragedies. Such violence can have a traumatic effect on the lives of many. Businesses are not immune to such tragedies anymore, say researchers and reports. No matter what type of business you run, you must have ways to protect everyone working for you, customers included. You must have advanced measures and policies to help combat such shootings and gun violence. There are many ways through which your company can get involved. One is by getting in touch with us at Defender School to enroll in Active Shooter Training for Individuals or by learning online by watching any of the Active Shooter Training Videos we have put up.

If you want more information on enrolling in Active Shooter Training for Schools and corporations or individuals, visit us at defenderschool.com or call us at 1-888-871-4142. We would be glad to help!